Three-sided frying pan D28 cm with lid,HEIDELBERG
Saucepan with lid stainless steel frying pan D38, H25,5cm, TRIER
Three-layer saucepan D26cm with lid, HEIDELBERG
Enameled paella pan Ø 80 cm
Cast iron pan ø 50 cm
Set vase fonta emailta , 7 piese rosu
Cast iron pan ø 60 cm
Enameled paella pan Ø 115 cm
Cast iron pan ø 80 cm
Placa gratar din fonta cu maner din lemn Ø 22 x 22 cm
Placa gratar din fonta cu maner din lemn Ø 24 cm
Tigaie din fontă cu mâner optima, 260х40 mm
Tigaie din fontă cu mâner optima, 240х40 mm
Cast iron pan -square- with 2 handles 14 x14 cm and wooden coaster
Cast iron pan with 2 handles ø 12 cm and wooden coaster
Tigaie pentru paella emailata Ø 20 cm
Steel tray Ø 32 x 42 cm
Steel tray Ø 40 x 40 cm
Steel tray Ø 25 x 34 cm
Steel tray Ø 26 x 30 cm
Steel tray Ø 20 x 25 cm
Steel tray Ø 22 x 22 cm
Steel tray Ø 17 x 21 cm
Steel tray Ø 18 x 18 cm