Tips on use and maintenance of high-alloy steel knives

  • Prior to using your knife for the first time it needs to be rined oce under hot water;

  • The recommended cutting surfaces are wood or plastic boards. (The boards made of glass can ruin even the hardest edge);

  • Be careful when working with foodstuffs which contain bones(meat, chiken, etc)

  • Never leave your knives in a washbasin for a long time, it might damage not only the mate rial but also the edge of the knife;

  • We recommend after each use to rinse and clean the knife thoroughly with a soft cloth. The dishwasher is not recommended as it may damage the cutting edge;

  • Keep the knives in a knife block, drawer or other similar places. When storing a knife make sure that the edge never comes into contact with other metallic objects.


Tips on use and maintenance of ceramic knives

  • The recommended cutting surfaces are wooden or plastic boards. Never use glass boards;

  • Prior to using your knife for the first time it needs to be rined oce under hot water;

  • Ceramic knives have been designed as ideal tool for cutting vegetables, fruits, bread, mush

  • Don›t use ceramic knives for chopping and don›t cut frozen foods;

  • Do not use ceramic knives for slicing products which contain bones as well as hard cheese;

  • Keep the knives in a knife block, drawer or other similar places;

  • Following this rules will help SAMURA knives to retain its cutting edge for a very long.

Steeling and re-sharpening
There are many ways to keep your knives sharp. We believe regular maintenance with a honing steel, as well as intermittent sharpening on a stone to be the best. Honing rod is a steel rode covered with diamond or ceramic layer. Start with the heel of the blade contacting the steel as close to the handle as possible with the tip pointing straight out away from you. Pull the blade back towards you and down the shaft of the steel. The motion should end with the tip of the blade in contact with the steel towards the bottom of the shaft. Switch sides and do the exact same thing on the other side. Stones are usually available in various grades, which refers to the grit size of the particles in the stone.

Before starting to use whetstone it should be immersed into water for 10-15 minutes. During sharpening process the stone should be a bit moist. place till a burr builds up on the edge. After the burr has been formed move gently the concave side of the blade along the whetstone surface several times. Do not use force. Double - side the edge start working on opposite side. Repeat several times if necessary or use whetstone process, the original sharpening angle must be retained. It should remain within 15-17 degrees  as was designated by manufacturer.

Tips on use and maintenance of ceramic

For steeling and re-sharpening of the ceramic knives we advise you to use specially de- signed sharpeners or to apply to our SAMURA service center. The above recommendations will help you to enjoy the sharpness of the knives for a long time.

Attention! Never test sharpness of the knife by touching the edge of the blade with your fingers. Due to presence of small metallic cutting chips which might get into the injured place even a slight wound might result in a long time healing. The best way to test the knife sharp- ness is to cut a sheet of paper while holding it in the air in vertical position.



A skillful combination of innovative technology and thousands of years of Japanese traditional craftsmanship makes SAMURA to be able to claim a very high quality of its products.

Although all our knives leave the factory in absolutely faultless condition, in case of any defects in material, construction or craftsmanship appears within the guarantee period of time, we will either replace or repair the defected items free of charge. The guarantee period for all SAMURA knives is 1 year from the date of purchase. The normal wear and mistreatment are excluded from this warranty.

Thank you very much for purchasing our Japanese knives SAMURA!
